Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The day of and after.........

Admittedly I was nervous the day of the surgery. No, I didn't let my mind run wild with negative scenarios, instead I focused on the end results and I promised myself a new pair of fancy sunglasses as a reward. I have never paid more than $20 for a pair of sunglasses because I wore glasses twice as much as contacts because I spend nine or ten hours a day on the computer and two or so hours on my tablet.

So as I woke up that morning all I thought about was waking up the next day, opening my eyes and seeing my room and dogs without having to reach for my glasses. As I checked in at the office I smiled and looked at the nervous faces around me, they weren't focusing on the positive, but I was.

Checking-in and signing paper work was a breeze, I took care of my financials (I will not discuss cost on this blog or if you contact me, so please don't ask) without a fuss and was escorted to another vision exam with Dr. Walsh before doing a mild physical with an assistant. After this I was given a low dose sedative and asked to wait for the Doctor.

The room in which the surgery is performed is very clinical and holds 2 giant machines, its encased in glass walls so you can watch the procedure being performed before you go in or a loved one can watch you. C-mac waited with me for my turn, cause I needed someone to drive me home, but chose not to watch his wife be lasered.

So, here is the scary part of this story: The assistant brought me into the room behind the glass walls and the Dr. Thomas did another exam on my eyes before answering some of my questions. He administered an aesthetic into my eye and walked me over to the machine. I felt like a ensign after being captured by the Borg sitting under the machine. It was blavk with flashing lights.

I am not a paid spokesperson, employee, or friend of LaskPlus. I am a a blogger, so I'm doing this because I know people out there are curious.

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