Tuesday, January 10, 2017

After some self-assessment I realize that I have been with the same company for fifteen years doing jobs that pretty much proprietary to the business. So, this is a chance to expand my resume, gain new skills, and see what I'm worth on the open market.

I'm in a fortunate spot, I have a spouse who makes good money and I have enough in savings that I don't need to work ASAP. I can really take my time working on myself and do some of the activities on my bucket list as well.

Monica's Bucket list:

1. Go to Australia
2. Learn to sew
3. Meet Jason Mamoa
4. Get my MBA
5. Scuba dive
6. Get married in Las Vegas
7. Write a novel
8. Have dinner in the Eiffel Tower
9. Sit courtside at a Cavaliers game
10. Lay on a beach in a cabaƱa while being served drinks

So, I'm going to get started ( for the billionth time) on writing a novel and maybe I'll buy myself a sewing machine and start making my dogs really cute clothes to wear around the house. No, they don't want to wear clothes, but I think they are so cute in them and in the end that is all that really matters, right?

I'm also using this time to look into graduate schools to set the foundation for my new career!

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