Monday, January 9, 2017

Seriously, What am I going to do now?

Well, for starters I'm going to look at this change as an opportunity. It is really tough to lose a job you love. It's even harder to lose it when you're staring down the barrel of forty with a mortgage, bills and major responsibilities not just to yourself anymore.

But, this is still an opportunity.

photo from wikipedia
Have you ever read a memoir or a attended a conference by a  successful person like Richard Branson or Tyler Perry? Have you ever stopped to think what they might have in common with you? The answer is Failure. They both endured major failures and setbacks in their careers and now both of them are on top of their business fields. Love them or hate them, the truth is they are successes.

I might not ever reach their kind of success, but I know that this setback is not the end of Monica. I am worth more and owe it to myself to build my career now that I no longer have a job. See what I did there? I admitted a major truth to myself and to you, I was working a job. Just something to pay me the money I needed to live. I liked it, but it was just a job and now that its gone I can start my career.

That is the hard part, transforming my skills into a career instead of just looking for another job.

Now, how do I transform myself?

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